2005 CATERPILLAR 12H VHP PLUS GRADER Description: Air Conditioning, CD Player, UHF Radio, 14 FT Blade, Toolbar with 3 Rippers & 5 Scarifiers, C9 Engine, Has had recent service, Transmission has been rebuilt, Motor Platinum Rebuild, Operational Unit.
PIN No: CAT0012HVCBK00835 Hours: Indicating 17,811.4 Hrs All assets are sold unregistered.
Location: Oberon, NSW 2787 Please see Lot 2 and 4 for Inspection and Collection information Enquiries: Michael Tickle on 0422 220 101 or michael@macquarieauctions.com.au
Stock No: 2277.01
Buy Now Price $155,000.00 + GST |